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PTL FunUpcoming Fundraisers
7th & 8th Grade Class Trip
School Scholarship Fund
Ongoing Fundraisers
SCRIP CARDS: Please help support our church and school with this simple fundraiser. If you have not purchased Scrip cards yet, please take a minute to think about it and ask us if you have any questions or concerns. Scrip gift cards can be purchased on Sunday before and after the service, or at school Monday-Friday, 7:45 am – 3:00 pm. As always, thank you for supporting our church and school by purchasing Scrip gift cards. If you have any questions, please call Amy Johnson at 920-385-0964 or email at Thank you for your continued support!
OFFICE DEPOT - GIVE BACK TO SCHOOLS – Shopping Office Depot/Office Max can bring a benefit to our school. When completing purchases in store, or online enter, your school’s ID #70110114 Shopping in store? When you check out, simply provide your school’s name or school’s ID to associate. Once our school has earned more than $10 in credits within the quarter, we will receive a merchandise certificate and can redeem at, at our local Office Depot store or at 1-800-GO-DEPOT.
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