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Education For Eternity

Though Jesus calls all children, not all children are the same.  Our students have a diverse array of gifts, abilities, and talents all with spiritual, intellectual, social, and artistic dimensions.  For that reason, we pursue the following educational goals:


The Child…

  • Develops faith through Biblical teaching and as a child of God.

  • Intellectually grows in scientific, mathematical, and language abilities.

  • Socially grows by acquiring and applying an understanding of ethical skills and values needed to live responsibly.

  • Develops an understanding of music and the fine arts as a celebration of God’s truth and wisdom.

  • Understands his or her body as a gift of God and accepts responsibility for its physical safety and well-being.

Trinity Lutheran School Curriculum Grades K-8

 Trinity Lutheran School uses written curriculum aligned with State of Wisconsin guidelines in all areas. We follow the curricula and choose texts, technology, and outside resources to meet the standards set by the state and God. We also supplement our curriculum instruction with extraordinary field experiences.


Our literacy program includes handwriting, spelling, grammar, composition, and speech.  Handwriting skills are taught sequentially through the primary grades.  Spelling is incorporated with the reading series or taught with frequency word lists, allowing for individualized student instruction.  For grades 5-8 spelling is incorporated into English class.  Grammar textbooks emphasize the basics and grammar instruction is taught both separately as well as incorporated into various writing activities.  Composition instruction includes both practical writing activities as well as creative writing projects. Our language arts curriculum is also strong in vocabulary. Students are required to learn new and challenging words in grades K through 8.  Instructors in all grades incorporate and reinforce writing skills across the curriculum.  Writing and other language arts activities take place in all subject areas. Students in grades k-2 are evaluated using P.A.L.S. testing at the beginning and the end of the school year to mark progress.

Six Trait Writing

Six Trait Writing has been adopted school-wide throughout all grades.  It is taught and practiced across the curriculum, not just in English class.  This teaches the students that superior writing skills are essential in every aspect of their academics.  Six Trait Writing will give our students the skills to be successful here at Trinity, in high school, and beyond.


Our reading program meets the needs of every student, whether they are advanced, proficient, or at a basic level of success.  Our approach incorporates both a literature based program as well as a strong phonics emphasis in the early grades.  


Reading software and computer technology enhance instruction in all grades.  Book Clubs and Fairs promote independent student reading as well as encourage the expansion of the school, family, and student libraries. The Scholastic Reading Counts program, available for all grade levels, is specifically worked into grades 4-8 as a required part of the reading curriculum.  Struggling students in grades K-5 can receive special instruction at nearby Washington Elementary School in their Reading remediation program.  Students in grades 4-8 who show advanced abilities may be moved up one grade.  A special 8th-grade Advanced Reading course is offered which prepares students for high school English Honors.

Guided Reading

Guided reading is the program that we use to meet the needs of our students and meet state curriculum guidelines. D.R.A. testing is used to determine the level that our students are achieving and from there, students are instructed and evaluated throughout the course of the school year.

 Guided reading is an instructional approach that involves a teacher working with a small group of children who demonstrate similar reading behaviors and can all read a similar text. The teacher selects a text that is easy enough to read with minimal support but also offers challenges and opportunities for problem-solving.  Guided reading gives children the chance to apply the strategies they already know to a new text.  The teacher provides support, but the ultimate goal is independent reading.


There are many important reasons to use guided reading.  Students are actively engaged in reading, they think deeply about what they are reading, and they know what is important in what they read.  Children always read for understanding, they learn to converse intelligently about a book and they use what they already know to read and understand a new text. These are very important steps to becoming an independent reader.


Science is taught from a Christian perspective using secular textbooks. Grades k-6 study general science while grades 7-8 focus on  Life and Earth science.  Using our new and comprehensive Science Lab, Trinity teaches major science concepts while emphasizing Biblical truths and exploring the occasional conflicts between the two positions. Trinity holds a science fair every other year, for which students are instructed in the scientific method and prepare their own science projects and experiments for display.


Social Science

Our Social Studies texts, in grades 1-3, focus on geography, citizenship, transportation, and community.  In grade 4 the state mandated Wisconsin history is taught and many field trip experiences are utilized for a more hands-on look at Wisconsin. 


Students in grades 5-6 study comprehensive world geography. All regions of the world are studied. Instruction includes the land forms, history, and culture of each region of the world. The cultures are discussed in a manner that connects them to our lives here in America. Emphasis is placed on our place in the world as Americans and individuals.


Grades 7-8 study United States history. The importance of our constitution is given special attention as well as the importance of knowing our history in order to be responsible voting citizens. All social studies texts have been recently updated.


Our Math Curriculum is designed to challenge the advanced student and advance the challenged students; we are very sensitive to the needs of our students. We, therefore, will advance a student one grade if they show special advanced math skills, but also give extra help to students who find the curriculum challenging.  We use Saxon Math textbooks to implement our curriculum.  Drill and Practice of basic math facts are part of the curriculum all the way through grade seven.  Saxon Math is designed with much repetition to ensure a mastery of the concepts and methods of math problems.  Algebraic concepts are introduced as early as first grade and by the time students move on to eighth grade they are ready to master a pre-algebra curriculum. Students that are moved up one grade in math have the opportunity to take an algebra course at a local high school during their Eighth-grade year. 


The goals of religion classes that are taught at Trinity Lutheran School are to lead students to a stronger faith relationship with their Savior, Jesus Christ.  We use Concordia’s One in Christ series in grades K-6.  The lessons are biblically based and appropriate for student ability levels.  Accompanying the lesson are well-chosen songs, art projects, and parent and family involvement projects.  The lessons in the 7th and 8th-grade classes include topics that are relevant to today’s world.  Lessons in these grades also include material leading to confirmation by the eighth grade.  Memory work is studied at all grade levels and comes from Bible passages, Luther’s Small Catechism and popular Christian hymns and songs.  Chapel services are held weekly, with Pastor or one of the teachers leading an all-school gathering of Praise and Worship.

Physical Education

It is our school’s philosophy that students should understand that their bodies are a gift from God and that they should accept responsibility for its well-being and safety.  We have a trained and certified Physical Education teacher as part of our staff.  Students are exposed to a variety of activities including the Presidential Fitness Program and Health related instruction.  We have recently updated our Physical Education equipment to enhance the variety of activities taught.

We believe that Art is the exploration and appreciation of the world created by God the Father. Students will learn to express themselves through sensory methods that communicate thought, appreciate differences and give praise to God. From a Christ-centered perspective, students will understand the value and significance of the visual arts, media and design in relation to history, citizenship, the environment and social and Christian development. Students are exposed to a large variety of art media and art history.


General music classes are offered at all grade levels.  Students in grades 5-8 may join our Junior Choir.  Junior Choir and children in grades Pre-K-8 sing at various times throughout the year at our church services.  Besides learning general music theory and history, different grade levels have various projects.  Grades 3 and 4 learn to play the recorder, a flute-like instrument, during the third quarter.  Grades 5-8 learn to play hand chimes during the first semester.  The entire school presents two major shows during the year: a Christmas program in December and a musical in May.


A band is offered to students in grades 5-8. Lesson fees are required but are minimal due to funding from our PTL. Students learn to play independently and as part of a band group. Students perform at various times during the year.

I can do all this through him who gives me strength.​ Philippians 4:13

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