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Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.

Proverbs 22:6


Message from Joseph Reinl, School Principal

As principal of Trinity Lutheran I would like to welcome you to our school website. Hopefully, you will find our website informational as well as inspirational. Information and communication are important to the success of a school. It is my goal to keep this page updated with the latest information about our school and its Christ driven programs.

As the spiritual leader of the school, I believe it is my job to inspire my staff members and students to do their best and be driven to dedicate everything they do to Christ. My mission is to prepare children to live prosperously and give generously in this world while preparing them for the life to come in heaven with Christ.

To God be the Glory!


Joseph Reinl


Our History

Since 1856, Trinity Lutheran School has remained faithful to the primary articles of the Christian faith and Lutheran doctrine.  As Jesus called for the little children to come to Him, Martin Luther called for children to be instructed so that the light of the Truth might shine upon them. Trinity Lutheran School, as a community of faith, remains committed to providing children with a quality education based upon Christian principles in service to the Lord.

Our Philosophy

Christian principles are realized in applying our Christian education mission.  Those principles center on developing a Biblical worldview; in understanding our place in God’s world; teaching academic subjects within a Christian context, and accepting the stewardship responsibilities He has given us over His creation.  We are an integral part of God’s purpose for our students, our congregation, and our community.


We recognize that the Holy Spirit works through individuals and institutions to create and preserve faith.  As a result, the individual efforts of concerned members of our faith community and our parents are vitally important to the success of our students.

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